Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the reproductive and sexual health problems of female patients with bipolar disorder. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews and a questionnaire, which was prepared by the researchers based on the literature and designed to determine the reproductive and sexual health issues among the participants. Results: It was determined that the bipolar disorder group had no previous knowledge about menarche and did not menstruate regularly. Compared to the healthy controls, they also experienced more premenstrual problems, masturbated more, had more sexual partners and had more sexually transmitted diseases. Unplanned pregnancy and abortion rates reported more in bipolar group. Moreover, bipolar disorder group reported not to have mammograms and gynecological examinations as required. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that female patients with bipolar disorder had more reproductive and sexual health related problems than those healthy controls. Its effects may continue beyond the acute episodes during remission, too. Although there is no significant difference between the sexes in terms of the prevalence rates for BD, it can be said that the course of the disorder is more problematic in women. BD requires the lifelong use of protective medications; it starts in an early period of life and is of a recurrent nature. However, long-term drug use entails high risks especially for female patients 1,2. BD sufferers may be more prone to certain psychiatric disorders that lead to changes in their hormone status during their reproductive period. Furthermore, during pregnancy and in the postpartum period the Ps Experience Escort Girls of protective medications is frequently interrupted, which constitutes a risk for the recurrence of the disorder. Women with BD refrain from becoming pregnant and may postpone their pregnancy as a result of the protective treatment they use, or their pregnancy may be terminated due to the teratogenic effect of the medications used during that period. Moreover, menstrual disorders frequently accompanying drug use may affect their fertility Cases that show a parallelism between the mood cycle and the menstrual cycle are mentioned in the literature 3,4. There are also indications that the reproductive and sexual health of women with BD may be poor. Among women with BD the rate of unplanned pregnancy is high 5as is the rate of sexually transmitted diseases STDs 5,6. Morevover, the use of contraceptives is low 7,8 and menstrual problems are more common in this population 9, The number of studies on this subject in the Turkish literature is quite insufficient; hence, we aimed to increase the existing knowledge. Ps Experience Escort Girls study was planned in order to reveal reproductive and sexual health problems of women with BD by comparing them with healthy women. While clinicians focus on the treatment of patients with psychiatric disorders, other problems such as physical diseases, reproductive and sexual health problems are often neglected. Ps Experience Escort Girls study emphasizes the necessity of considering physical and mental health together. The research questions are as follows: What reproductive and sexual health problems do women with BD suffer from? Is there a difference in the reproductive and sexual health outcomes between women with BD and the control group? The average number of BD patients hospitalized in the last year was Nine participants refused to participate in the study; 8 participants were excluded because they were unable to complete the forms; 3 participants did not know the Turkish language; the response rate was The control group consisted of women who presented to a primary care health institution. The average number of outpatients in the last year at this primary care health institution was 10, As the researcher who collected the data of the control group NEB was working outside the institution, only participants were reached. Thirty-five participants refused to participate in the study; 9 participants were excluded because they could not complete the forms; the response rate was The data collection form consisted of five parts. Each of the questions in the questionnaire was answered in multiple-choice format. The Information Form was validated through expert opinions. The Expert Board consisted of a psychiatric nurse, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, and an academic member of staff. A pilot study was conducted with 9 women with BD and 9 healthy women who did not participate in the study.
It was argued that the surprising result in this study may be due to the protective effect of the long-term BD treatment in premenstrual complaints 4 No difference was determined between the groups in terms of menarche age in our study, which is consistent with the literature 9, Yöntem: Kesitsel-tanımlayıcı ve karşılaştırmalı nitelikteki bu çalışma, bipolar hastalığa sahip kadın ve kontrol grubu ile gerçekleştirildi. In the systematic review by Volavka 30 examining violence experienced by bipolar and schizophrenia patients, it is clearly seen that these patients are exposed to more violence than the general population. Cardiac complications are the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in TM [ 3 ]. Marital Status It was determined that in the BD group, the average marriage age was earlier, the number of married individuals was low, the number of multiple marriages was higher, marital satisfaction was worse, and the partners were physically or mentally less healthy compared to the control group Table 1.
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