During the one-and-a-half hour long interview on November 22, Pashinyan highlighted the importance of not only reaching a peace agreement with Azerbaijan but also establishing a strategic deal that defines how both countries will coexist peacefully in the long term. The strategic deal would focus on mutual non-interference and the gradual development of communications and economic ties between the two nations. The prime minister also addressed the broader challenges facing Armenia. He referred to the Declaration of Independence, stating that it contains a logic that could perpetuate conflict with neighboring Azerbaijan and Turkey. He pointed out that the Constitutional Court has already ruled that the Declaration of Independence only holds legal force in its sections explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, and the parts he has referred to are not verbatim in the text. He stressed that, as prime minister, he is obligated to communicate the complex realities and consequences of these issues to the Armenian people, even if it involves addressing uncomfortable topics. Western Armenia refers to the region that was historically part of Armenia, located in the eastern part of Anatolia modern day Turkeywhich includes Sassoun, Van, Bitlis, Erzurum and parts of the Kurdish-majority regions. This region was home to a large ethnic Armenian population before World War I and the Armenian Genocide ofduring which much of the Armenian population was either killed, deported or forced to flee. Western Azerbaijan is an irredentist concept used by Azerbaijan to claim that modern day Armenia was historically part of Azerbaijan. The term targets regions including Yerevan, Lake Sevan and Syunik. Since the war in Artsakh, Azerbaijan has intensified its claims, particularly in Syunik. This is not something up for debate. Khachatryan went on to question whether the same line of questioning would be posed to Aliyev. Kocharyan reminded his followers that 1. Nearly 30 countries have officially recognized this as genocide, condemning the actions of the Ottoman Empire. Meanwhile, the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reiterated that Armenia does not have territorial claims against neighboring states. In a statement to Sputnik ArmeniaForeign Ministry spokesperson We Are Forcibly Escorted Out Badalyan emphasized that Armenia categorically rejects such claims. What is wrong with what the Armenian Prime Minister publicly stated? Armenian households have pictures and paintings of Mount Ararat hanging on their walls at home and sometimes also at their workplaces. Mount Ararat is also clearly visible from Yerevan and other parts of Armenia. But technically where is Mount Ararat located today? Technically it is within the borders of Turkey as are other ancient Armenian cities such as Kars, Ardahan, Van and Ani. That is why we refer to that region as historical Armenia. Historical Armenia stretched over the territories of modern day Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Iran. If Armenia is to pursue land claims and pursue the boundaries of historical Armenia then it means one thing — ongoing conflicts with Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and even Iran. Is it plausible to pursue such a geopolitical strategy? Will Armenia with its 3 million population take on and come out victorious against neighbours with much larger populations and who armed with advanced technology and weapons? Who will We Are Forcibly Escorted Out Armenia in such a scenario if it pursues its ambition to claim parts of historical Armenia? Russia demonstrated during the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh that it was more interested in maintaining good relations and influence with the Turkic people rather than aiding its traditional ally Armenia. Is the population of Armenia prepared for ongoing conflict with larger and more powerful neighbours? International borders have and will continue to evolve over time. Should Armenia pursue a strategy that would result in ongoing conflict with its neighbours? Constantinople for example used to be the majestic capital of the Byzantium Empire and a Greek city for more than 1, years before it was officially renamed Istanbul in We Are Forcibly Escorted Out Modern nations have all emerged having land claims against each other. If nations pursue their historical boundaries it would culminate in ongoing conflict. Nations possessing adequate military power and global influence have demonstrated they have the means and capability to use military force to initiate changes to internationally recognised borders. But does Armenia fit into that category? The lessons and wounds of the day conflict are still fresh to indicate that pursuing such an expansionist strategy may prove fatal for both the Armenian people and what is left of the Armenian state. The recognition of Artsakh by Armenia was part of a planned process and Armenia could not, on the one hand, engage in peace negotiations with the enemy mediated by OSCE and, on the other hand, recognize Artsakh as an independent state or part of Armenia because that would have jeopardized the peace process and it would most likely have led to clashes and war with the enemy. The fact that Artsakh Armenians were carrying Armenian passports for travel abroad and were using Armenian currency was a proof that in many ways Artsakh was already integrated into Armenia and it was just a matter of diplomatic and political maneuvering to bring that recognition into fruition.
Mount Ararat is also clearly visible from Yerevan and other parts of Armenia. In other projects. Let them see how they like it. International Relations. Before , this region transformed into an oil-producing sheikhdom known as Tatar-Turks. Bu örneklerin bazılarında bu türden sıfat kullanımını görebilirsiniz.
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The latter fled as a result of systematic anti-Ossetian reprisals that began in January , when Ossetians were threatened, robbed, beaten and forced to flee. Aside from Greek national pride and. The village was forcibly evacuated by the Turkish army. The Greek War of Independence is undoubtedly one of the important events that marked the nineteenth century. In addition to forced prostitution, traffickers may also force us to become an escort, masseuse as well as working in other jobs. Amidst the Sayfo, the villagers were escorted to safety at Hah by Agha Hajo of the Kurtak clan. Sometimes mobbing is forced.This part of Turkey is also unsafe and is affected by the militant activity of Kurdish separatists, and tourists have been kidnapped or even killed. The Armenian Plateau, also known as the Armenian Highlands, is inhabited by people who identify as Armenians. There was a very famous Armenian monastery on Mt. Western Azerbaijan is an irredentist concept used by Azerbaijan to claim that modern day Armenia was historically part of Azerbaijan. Initially supported by the British, it later came under the influence of the Bolsheviks, who renamed the area Azerbaijan. Constantinople for example used to be the majestic capital of the Byzantium Empire and a Greek city for more than 1, years before it was officially renamed Istanbul in The following examples may help:. Perception of Weakness: By drawing this comparison in the current context, Pashinyan risks reinforcing the perception of weakness. The students are holding a demonstration to protest against the increase in their fees. She graduated with a master's in International Affairs from Boston University, where she was also the recipient of the William R. The prime minister also addressed the broader challenges facing Armenia. Specialty Products. However, we have not heard about any reciprocal statements from Azerbaijan and Turkey, likewise recognizing the borders of Armenia, especially by the former. Yabancılar İçin Sözlük. Syriac Orthodox Resources. Until and when we build a strong Military force, we have to rely on the good will and sympathy if any of the international community to preserve our statehood. Bio Latest Posts. Stay Updated. Download as PDF Printable version. After all Russia showed itself to be no guarantor of Arktash Unlike Armenia, other nations could recognize Artsakh without risking war with our enemy. Şiddetin bir suç olduğu daima göz önünde bulundurulmalı, kadınların hiçbir koşulda şiddeti hak etmediği unutulmamalıdır. About us. Why is the PM probed on such matters? Şiddet uygulamalarının nedeni de bu yetiştirme tarzıdır. Dolayısıyla aile içinde kadına yönelik şiddet sadece ailevi bir sorun değil, başta kadınları etkileyen ciddi bir toplumsal sorundur.