Motor Olgun Escort Gölcük Twitter insurance provides cover accidental loss or damage involving mechnically propelled vehicles. These include cars, motorcycles and other crafts. Third party only insurance covers death, injury, damage and loss of use caused by the insured vehicle to third parties and their property. As a special offer, Yafewa third party only insurnace is on offer at the price of K74, for one year. Road Traffic Act Only insurance covers death, injury, damage and loss of use caused by the insured vehicle to third parties and their property. It is offered for 1 month or 3 months only. What is Mtetezi tobacco insurance? Mtetezi Tobacco Insurance covers tobacco farmers against loss or damage to their tobacco leaf. This could be whilst growing in the field as a result of hail, windstorm, floods and physical action of excessive rainfall and also during the process of picking, stringing, curing, bulking, grading, and re-ordering. It can also be while in transit for delivery at auction floors, as a result of fire, malicious damage, lightning, strikes, riots, theft and other risks.
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