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Cancel X. I believe the above unsigned post is correct. Storyline II Storyline III Storyline IV. On the eve of the final battle on Earth , Chakwas congratulates Shepard on having come a long way from the days under then-Captain Anderson's command on the original Normandy. If Shepard decides they can't spare anyone to escort the noncombatants, the doctor gravely accepts the Commander's decision but shakes their hand, expressing hope that they will see each other again.
Karin Chakwas
I didn't even know she could die until not too Lastly, you will also need to decide whether to send somebody to escort the Normandy's crew out of the Collector Base: If you choose somebody Loyal to escort Or you can send a Loyal squadmate to escort So yeah, the Michel thing is essentially there so that any player, even those who let Chakwas die In any case, Shepard will then choose whether or not to assign a squadmate to escort Dr. Chakwas and any remaining survivors back to the Normandy. If Shepard Yeah, Chakwas is one of the harder characters to kill off (only if you don't send an escort).Anybody know how many planets are in the game? Chakwas and any remaining survivors back to the Normandy. Taking teeth and biting Johnson. The next time Shepard goes to have a chat with Chakwas, she apologizes for being a little unprofessional. After Shepard directly defies Donnel Udina 's order grounding the Normandy to pursue Saren Arterius to Ilos , Chakwas says it is strange being a fugitive from the Alliance. Chakwas she stopped talking to me after the brandy and instead I found out about the abduction subplot. She gravely asks the Commander not to let the crew down, as they have sacrificed everything for the success of the mission. JohnXL , February 7, UTC Ive played through both sexes, and every time I talk to her about this, She only talks about Alenko and Jenkins. My playthrough had Kaidan being killed, so it made sense. Part of the fun is making your own choices. Some time later, a drunk Dr. Sci-fi Mass Effect. Edit source History Talk Chakwas returns in , provided she survived the Suicide Mission in All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Shepard can talk to Doctor Chakwas later. Michel, Chakwas believes synthetics aren't a valid form of life. Roses are red, Violets are blue. Interrupt Interrupt Mass Effect 3 Morality Reputation Research Romance. Chakwas will become traumatized from having to watch her crewmates dissolved alive, and the longer the team takes to find her, the more bitter she will be. Start a Wiki. Chakwas, and some of the other crew, and now have to have the team split up again. Is there a certain part in ME3, after which you cannot recruit Chakwas? Granted, obviously you have thought over this more than I have XD. I know we're never told in-game, but I was wondering if someone at Bioware has revealed it. Legendary edition reveals ME2 is the worst of the triology. Original Trilogy. Mass Effect 2 Store Page. I didn't include "Doctor" because of what Lancer said here. Adversaries Missions Assignments Weapons Talents Powers Equipment Achievements.