To browse Academia. With the rise of new media age and globalization, online streaming services have run against each other and started to acquire the rights of cult productions. This transformation and competition ended up with a number of different translation practices and strategies applied to the same product by several agents. Built on a comparative analysis of two different Turkish subtitles streamed on Netflix and DiziBox, the study focuses on the translations of universal, cultural, and language-based humor. The results are displayed in tables and charts, and possible underlying reasons of the findings are provided. In this respect, this study is critical in revealing how different types of humor in Seinfeld are rendered on two different platforms, and to what extent humor is lost in professional subtitle translation vs. Humor represents a central aspect of everyday conversations. Therefore, the issues like the reasons of laughter and what constitutes humor have been questioned since Plato and Aristotle and humor has become a Escort Aysun I Zmi R Twi Tter that has been developing continuously ever since. The pleasure people take in laughing is one of the reasons that humor has come out as a theatrical form. Comedy has gained the place as a popular genre in both pre-Republic and post-Republic periods. Nonetheless, some properties of the Ortaoyunu manifest itself in comedy works formed afterwards. There are relations and similarities between the Ortaoyunu and Komedi Dükkânı in terms of their characters, improvisatory structures, decor-costume conceptions, comic elements in movements, creating situation comedy and linguistic properties of humor verbal humor. In this study, the main theories of humor are reviewed briefly and the similarities between the Ortaoyunu and Komedi Dükkânı are dealt with by sketching the characteristics. In addition, the Ortaoyunu and Komedi Dükkânı are compared in the frame of linguistic humor verbal humorpuns, ambiguities and impoliteness strategies. In general, based on these relations and similarities between the Ortaoyunu and Komedi Dükkânı, the paper looks for an answer to the question whether Komedi Dükkânı is a modern form of the Ortaoyunu. Key words: Laughter, Ortaoyunu, verbal humor, puns, impoliteness strategies. The aim of translation criticism is to put forth objective ideas regarding translations based on sound and solid criteria. While analyzing the translation s of a source text, the critic abstains from putting forward subjective value judgments that are not based on systematic findings. During the criticism process, the critic carries out a comparative analysis to reveal the features of the source and target texts within their systems. Then the critic evaluates the features of the texts in line with the cultural systems to which they belong. The comparative analysis is carried out not to detect errors in translations, but rather to reveal the motives behind the translator decisions and to identify whether these decisions conform to certain linguistic and cultural characteristics of the system to which the target text s belong. In this vein, Raymond van den Broeck proposes a translation criticism model, in which the source and target texts are compared systematically, an adequate translation is determined, and shifts from this adequate translation are detected analytically. Connotative equivalence is achieved when the elements of the source text and the target text arouse the same or similar associations in the minds of the readers of both languages. Pragmatic equivalence is achieved when the elements of the source text and the target text create the same effect on the readers of both languages. In this regard, this study has revealed that translating the figurative language elements, especially metaphors and similes, literally hinders the establishment of connotative equivalence. Moreover, it has been argued that translating allusions and symbols without explanations about their context hampers the creation of the pragmatic equivalence in Turkish. Keywords: Translation criticism, equivalence, figurative language, dystopia, Fahrenheit The journal of academic social science studies, Sinema, içinde bulunduğu toplumun siyasal, ekonomik, Escort Aysun I Zmi R Twi Tter ve kültürel değişimlerinden etkilenir. En eski ve en önemli sinema türlerden biri olan güldürü sineması, bu değişimleri en iyi aktaran, sorunlara eleştirel yaklaşan türlerden biridir. Türkiye'de 'lı yıllardan itibaren keskin sosyoekonomik değişimler yaşanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de 'lı yıllardan başlayarak yaşanan söz konusu değişimlerin güldürü sinemasına etkileri incelendi. Bu çalõşmanõn amacõ, TürkiyeÕnin toplumsal yapõsõndaki değişimlerin yılları arasında çekilen güldürü filmlerine etkilerini eleştirel bir yaklaşımla ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırmada amaçlı örneklem yöntemi doğrultusunda hem ana hem de yardımcı kahramanları lümpen tipler olan Geniş Aile: Yapıştır ve Geniş Aile 2: Her Türlü filmleri seçilmiş, bu filmler anlatı analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Filmlerdeki lümpen tipler üzerinden yapılan çözümlemeler, lümpenliğin filmlerin anlatılarında bir mizah unsuru olarak kullanıldığına işaret etmekte, lümpen tiplerin ise mizahın Üstünlük, Uyumsuzluk ve Rahatlama Kuramları aracılığıyla kurgulandığı görülmektedir. Uyarlama ve yeniden yazma stratejileri çeviri ediminin hem ayrılmaz bir parçası hem de eleştiri odağı olmaya devam etmektedir.
Kaldıraç 185. Sayı Aralık 2016
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