Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Address for correspondence: Ömer Yusuf Erdurmuş, M. Ankle sprain is a frequent reason for presentation to the emergency department. In total, patients were included. An ankle sprain is a leading cause of soft tissue trauma, which is a frequent reason for admission to the emergency department. Soft-tissue trauma without fracture is observed in 5. Inflammation resulting from ankle sprain is an important process that initiates tissue regeneration and repair, but hematoma and edema delay healing and cause secondary ischemic damage to surrounding tissues. This prospective randomized controlled study was conducted with the approval of the ethics committee between October 15,and October 15,at the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine Code: I The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants before enrollment. Patients aged 18—65 years who presented to the emergency department within the first 24 h after a lateral ankle sprain, in Pickup And Escort Girl For Sex In Ankara fracture and dislocation were excluded, who had good vital values, and who provided written and verbal consent were included in the study Fig. Patients with multiple trauma, pregnancy, suspected pregnancy, foot, and ankle fractures and dislocations, forensic cases, patients who had a previous ankle operation or fracture, and patients who had had ankle trauma within the previous 3 months were excluded from the study. In addition, patients who were unable to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, those who could not be reached during the follow-up period, and those who did not attend follow-up appointments were excluded from the study Fig. The stratified block randomization method was used to randomly assign patients to the treatment groups. Age and sex were used as stratification variables. The data obtained from the patients included age, sex, occupation, body mass index, dominant foot, injured foot, comorbid diseases, medications used, and surgical history. Research-assistant physicians in the emergency department were informed of the study, and patient management, examinations, and treatments were explained. During the inclusion of patients in the study, the Ottawa Ankle Rules were used to exclude fractures and dislocations, and radiography was used when indicated. In suspicious cases in which a fracture could not be excluded by direct radiography, the patients were evaluated using computed tomography. Patients in both protocols were evaluated using the ankle anterior drawer, posterior drawer, talar tilt, and squeeze tests. Patient examinations were conducted by an emergency medicine research assistant and an emergency medicine specialist Fig. ORG website. Randomization was stratified according to age and sex, and the treatment protocol to which the patients were assigned was determined by an emergency medicine specialist who did not see the patients and did not perform the examinations. The physical examinations, FADI, and AOFAS scores, and ankle circumference measurements of the patients taken during follow-up appointments were evaluated by a research assistant who was blinded to the treatment protocols the patients had received. The ankle injuries of patients treated with the PRICE protocol were protected and supported using a short leg splint. On the 3 rd day following the injury, the patients returned to the hospital, and their injury was classified as grade 1, Pickup And Escort Girl For Sex In Ankara, or 3 on physical examination. For patients who were evaluated as grade 1, the splint was removed, an elastic bandage was wrapped around the ankle, and the patient was instructed to rest for 1 week. For patients evaluated as grade 2, the short leg splint was removed on the 7 th day after the injury. In patients graded as grade 3, the short leg splint was removed after 14 days. If the anterior drawer test and talar tilt test were positive in the physical examination at the time of presentation in patients who underwent the POLICE protocol, the injury was considered a grade 3 injury, and an ankle orthosis was applied. It includes flexion, extension, inversion, and eversion movements to the extent that the patient can tolerate the pain. Patients were instructed to apply the specified optimal loading at least 3 times a day for at least 20—30 min each time and to conduct their daily life activities to the limit of their pain threshold. Patients whose ankle sprain was evaluated as grade 1 were instructed to use an elastic bandage for 3 days. In patients whose ankle sprain was evaluated as grade 2, the elastic bandage was removed on the 7 th day. Patients whose sprain was evaluated as grade 3 were directed to use the ankle orthosis and optimally load it to the pain threshold. The patients in both treatment protocols were given analgesia in the form of oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents at the same dose and dosing intervals Fig. During the initial evaluation, ankle function and pain were evaluated using the AOFAS and FADI scales, and ankle edema was detected using bimalleolar and figure-eight bandage techniques. Ankle edemas were followed up on the third and 7 th days by measuring ankle circumference.
Baron, Reuben M. Hidden categories: CS1 Turkish-language sources tr Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December During the inclusion of patients in the study, the Ottawa Ankle Rules were used to exclude fractures and dislocations, and radiography was used when indicated. Lazarus, Richard S. The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
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